Monogram Preview Disclaimer

Monogram Preview Disclaimer

We hope you find our monogram preview feature useful! We have a few disclaimers that you must agree to at checkout. By checking the box on your order, you are agreeing to everything in the statements below. Please note, since you are agreeing to this, we cannot refund or give any money back for differences between preview images and finished products.

For embroidery products, the preview you are seeing is a digital rendering of our best estimate for letter placement.  The spacing between the letters may vary depending on the fabric and the font you choose compared to what the preview is showing you. The preview is meant to give you our best estimate on how the product will look, but it is not an exact rendering. 

We have included suggested color combinations for letters as indicated on the product preview pages. We cannot control the colour of your screen or monitor and is therefore only a guide. 

For products that are printed or applied with vinyl you are seeing the exact planned spacing and boldness for your product. By agreeing to this preview disclaimer, you are giving us creative power to adjust something slightly without contacting you if it does not line up appropriately.